Spin-Klin type filters
Method of operation
The contaminated liquid flows into the filter when the disks are clamped. The solid particles and algae are deposited on the filter because the liquid is filtered through the compressed discs, leaving solid particles settling in the grooves. After the impulse has been sent by the controller, the inlet closes and the flushing valve opens, releasing the pressure exerted on the discs and thus allowing them to rotate freely. The water jets cause the rotors to spin quickly while, at the same time, cleaning them and thus the deposited particles are washed out.
When the pressure difference between the input and the output is greater than the one set, the next rinsing of the filters takes place.

2 batteries
3 batteries
4 batteries
Max pressure
10 bar
10 bar
10 bar
Min pressure
3 bar
3 bar
3 bar
Max flow
400-100 µ
40 m3/h
60 m3/h
80 m3/h
55 µ
26 m3/h
40 m3/h
53 m3/h
3 batteries
4 batteries
5 batteries
Max pressure
10 bar
10 bar
10 bar
Min pressure
3 bar
3 bar
3 bar
Max flow:
40-140 mesh ( 400-100 µ )
90 m3/h
120 m3/h
150 m3/h
55 µ
60 m3/h
80 m3/h
100 m3/h